
In 2023, the Harris County Attorney’s Office created the Property Tax Division, an approval granted by the Commissioners Court. The division was created with a clear mission in mind to prioritize efficiency and equity while providing exceptional customer service to the taxpayers. Attorneys, support staff, and customer service representatives are committed to serving the community and improving the tax collection process for Harris County taxpayers.

Property taxes are essential for maintaining the well-being of our communities. When property owners pay their property taxes, they contribute to various crucial services and facilities, including streets and drainage, court systems, libraries, education, and programs for the disabled and senior citizens. Various local entities, such as cities, counties, school districts, colleges, hospital districts, road and flood districts, and utility districts rely on property taxes to fund their operations. 



Homestead Exemption Requalification - March 2025

The Harris Central Appraisal District (HCAD) monitors and reviews homestead exemptions in accordance with recent legislation so property owners do not have reapply or requalify every 5 years. Rumors that property owners must reapply for their homestead exemption because of a new law are circulating on social media. The law requires each chief appraiser to develop a program to review residence homestead exemptions every five years to ensure the owner still qualifies. HCAD already does this through several processes that include the annual exemption postcard mailing listing the exemptions the homeowner currently has.

Owners do not have to do anything if the information on the postcard is correct. If the postcard is returned to HCAD, the appraisal district will ask the owner to requalify. Homeowners should check their online property account at www.hcad.org least once a year to make sure all the information, including exemptions, is correct.

Tax Code Section 11.35 - August 2024

Tax Code Section 11.35, Temporary Exemption for Qualified Property Damaged by Disaster, allows qualified properties that are at least 15 percent damaged by a disaster in counties included in the declaration to receive a temporary exemption of a portion of the property's appraised value. Qualified property includes:

  • tangible personal property used for income production;
  • improvements to real property; and
  • certain manufactured homes.

Property owners must apply for the temporary exemption no later than 105 days after the governor declares a disaster area. Form 50-312, Temporary Exemption Property Damaged by Disaster (PDF), is available on Comptroller’s Property Tax Assistance Division (PTAD) webpage Property Tax Forms or Harris Central Appraisal District’s webpage https://hcad.org/

Disaster Exemption - August 2024

So far this year, the Governor of Texas has issued weather-related disaster declarations for Harris County on  April 30, 2024 | June 19, 2024 | July 6, 2024. Please click each date to view the proclamations.


When should I pay my tax bill?
Property taxes are due upon receipt of the bill. Payments are due by January 31st. Taxes that remain due on February 1st are considered delinquent and subject to penalty and interest.
What should I do if I never received my tax bill?

You may look up your tax bill online at hctax.net or contact the Tax Office and Appraisal District to update contact information.

What if I already paid my taxes?

Contact the Tax Office.

How can I pay my delinquent tax bill?

Click here to pay delinquent property taxes. If you need to discuss payment options, contact the Harris County Attorney’s Office at 346-286-8888.

How do I check who I owe taxes to?
You can check on the Harris Central Appraisal District website for a comprehensive list of all taxing jurisdictions for your property.
What if I receive a delinquent tax notice for my taxes that should have been paid by my mortgage company?
Contact your mortgage company first. Unpaid taxes are the responsibility of the property owner.
What is a tax exemption?
A tax exemption is a reduction to the taxable value of your property, which lowers your tax obligation. Contact

Harris Central Appraisal District to apply for exemptions. 

What is a tax deferral?
It is thepostponement of paying property taxes for qualified homeowners on theirresidence homestead for as long as they live in that residence. A tax deferralonly postpones the tax liability. It does not cancel it.
Do I qualify for a tax exemption or deferral?

Owners who are age 65 or older, are disabled or are a disabled veteran qualify to receive additional exemptions. Active military members can also qualify for a deferral whenever they have deployment orders. Active military should contact the Tax Office for more information.

What is a homestead?

Homestead exemptions remove part of your home's value from taxation, so they lower your taxes. To qualify for a residential homestead exemption, you must own and occupy the property as your primary residence and provide a valid Texas driver’s license or ID card with matching address to the Harris Central Appraisal District along with the applicationThere is no fee to apply for this exemption.

What if I’ve been served by a Sheriff or Constable for delinquent taxes?

Please contact the Harris County Attorney’s Office at 346-286-8888. File an answer with the court within the timeframe designated on your citation. You can find forms and templates at the Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library.

My property was sold at a tax foreclosure sale, can I get it back?
Properties sold at a tax sale are subject to the Defendant’s right of redemption if paid within 180 days for non-homestead and 2 years for homestead properties from the date of filing the foreclosure deed. Redemption is the right the Defendant may have to reclaim their property. Associated cost will depend on when the property is redeemed.

Pay by Mail

Harris County Attorney’s Office 

P.O. Box 2928

Houston, TX 77252

Make checks payable to: Annette Ramirez, Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector

Contact Information

Harris County Attorney’s Office (delinquent property tax collection matters only)

(346) 286-8888

[email protected]

Harris County Tax Office (tax bills, payment agreements, tax ceilings, due dates, military deferrals, or waivers)

(713) 274-8000


[email protected]

Harris Central Appraisal District (exemptions, property values, protests, address, or ownership corrections)

(713) 957-7800


[email protected]